Will the construction ever end?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"Guitar Repair for Naughty Children"

I'll admit I may have overreacted when one of my children snapped the tuning peg off one of my guitars. However, I do believe my tantrum may have gotten through to the culprit: Someone snuck into to my office during the night and made this makeshift repair.

(Update: Yes, it is a plastic fork.)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Preschool observations

Observed in preschool today:
Every single child had their sandwich on wheat bread today. Granted, there was one child who had pita bread and a few who had tortillas, but they were whole grain too! Amazing! When I was in school you'd be hard pressed to find a single PB&J that wasn't slung between two pieces of Wonder Bread.

Overheard in preschool today:
"Yesterday I threw up out of my butt."
(Maybe it's all that damn wheat bread you've been eating.)