Will the construction ever end?

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Soap Bars: An Endangered Species

A tranquil, off-season week at the beach provides lots of time for quiet reflection. While we were there we made use of the little freebie bars of soap provided by the resort. A funny thing happened when I asked my daughter to wash her hands with the bar—she insisted it wasn't soap! I was confused for a moment before I realized she had never used an actual bar of soap before. (We use liquid hand soap to wash our hands and liquid body wash in the tub.)

Of course I've long since realized all the obvious things she'll never know, like dialing a rotary phone, or dropping the needle on an LP. But I guess I've never realized how old-fashioned a bar of soap has become.

Postscript: Evidently a professor at Beloit College compiles an annual "Mindset List" of similar realizations about incoming college freshmen. (Thanks PJ.)